Thursday, February 21, 2008

darkness with adolensense 2

well there is darkness all through out this piece all around her. for example the are like glittering pools of ink, here at the edge of darkness night rests like a ball of fur on my tounge. all of these things seem to be evil things trying to attack her. the three seal men are laughin at her situation and might have drugged her to take advantage of her. and as she is left alone the darkness is creepiong toward her and is on her toungue. kinda like the devil is creeping up on us when we are all weak and such.

adolensense 2 postmodern?

adolensense is postmodern due to the continual celebration of disorder. for example the men are laughing at the girls pain, which show that they think it is good to have some one in pain. also it seems as if they drugged her and they believe all of these action are ok and funny, it also seems that comment has malisious intent.

meaning of words

i think the meaning of words are lost both in the inaccurate perception of reality and the inadequate system of language. i believe the the inadequate system of langauge is a big part because after the disscusion in class every item discussed was boiled down to being described as a "thing". i find that true through out life,when every you explain something enough, it comes down to a thing. also each person has their on perception of reality so it not one standard to go off. so each word is meant different to different people.

Friday, February 15, 2008

I think that a person and his work can have both nothing in common or every thing in common. for example denzel washington can play a character on the big screen then the next day have nothing to do with it and act as a good christian man as opposed to a drug lord that he really isn't. on the other hand their are people like orlando bloom who in every movie plays the same part and this carries over into his real life. like in all his movies he plays the little wuss part. and from what i have seen on the news and stuff he looks and acts as if he is the same way.