Tuesday, January 29, 2008

victim of hyperreallity

i have been a victim of hyperreality in a variety of ways, here are a few. the most prominant is that of commercials, especailly the underarmor ones. they tell me that i will be faster this their shoes, and catch better with their glove. so i go out and buy them so it will make me preform better. the other one is like in the most recent movie i s saw, 27 dresses, (embrassed to say that, so hush) it made me think of the current relation ship i was in. and according to what happened in there i thought the same things would fix our fights. however that didnt quite happen. so my hypereality has been completley false and just had negitive effects on me.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


hyperreality effects the american perception of love and relationship in many didffernt ways. hyperreality characterizes the inability of consciousness to distinguish reality from fantasy. they use this through out our entertainment industry. such as in television show as two and a half men charley takes women for sex and nothing else, using them for his own pleasure and not as real people.Hyperrealism is a symptom of postmodern culture. Hyperreality does not "exist" or "not exist." It is simply a way of describing the information to which the consciousness is subject.for example a plastic christmas tree is not reall but looks real and people make it real. just like in real life people take other people for object and not living being with feelings. that is how hyperreality is used in american culture today.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

i think they ended the movie on a ship because they wanted it so seem like they didnt matter. and on the ship there was no one there, besides the plaqyers. and so no one would know or care. and a ship kinda has the feeling of solitude and desertion and you usually go on a ship to get a way and reax or disappear and their time was up in the story so they just floated off.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


well in light of this project my brother who is in town for the weekend went to work out and there was a large man who was working out all by him self so we asked if he wanted to join us. and he did. then after wards we played some organized flag football and he was kinda weak but he looked like he was having fun. after wards we went to redrobin and he joined us and told us about himself and how he just moved here about two weeks ago and knew no one. and was no having fun here at all but we really made his day and found out he was 24 and a construction worker that he went to OU and then when we were finished we left and he insisted on paying for our meal and thanked us alot. it was fun and suprising.